Saturday 17 August 2013

football facts

Tomas Rosicky is a Guitar Hero

"Rosický is reported to be a proficient guitarist, and has played live with Tri sestry
(No, me either). Rosický was able to hone his guitar skills during his 18 months on the
sidelines because of his hamstring injury. He has even played at the Czech player of the
year awards (No, me either) to "serenade" Chelsea's first choice goalkeeper Petr Cech as
the goalkeeper received the Czech player of the year award."
And here is Tomas with Lou Fananek Hagen, lead singer of Tri Sestry
(that's three sisters in Czech, I've discovered) who does appear to be
wearing a Liverpool shirt with his name on it.. but.. hey.
Nicklas Bendtner : Genuinely Ridiculously Confident
Now, everyone knows Nicklas is a confident guy - unfortunately, the type of confident
guy who says he's overly capable; then proceeds not to prove it. I, like many, thought
his apparent cocky swagger was an act, in an attempt to hide his own shortcomings and
insecuritues. Nope - indeed wikipedia tells us:
"Bendtner once received a confidence rating that exceeded the scale in a test carried
by an Arsenal psychologist"
Blimey. Did i hear someone say d-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l?
"Bow down before me, for I am your leader. YES THAT DOES INCLUDE YOU CESC.
Get on your knees."
Denilson: Quite the Musical Maestro
Hands if you thought footballers spent their down time "relaxing" with their WAGs
(or ladies that are NOT their WAGs), drinking and getting into trouble with the law.
Well, that's what the media will have you believe. Because that's not what Denilson does.
"Denílson is fond of Brazilian music and the samba—he can even be found on YouTube
singing and dancing with his former Brazilian Arsenal teammates Gilberto Silva and
Júlio Baptista."
Of course, I immediately headed to YouTube and found it. Unfortunately, embedding
is disabled by request. But still; enjoy:

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